Benefits of eating fruit during pregnancy


Fruits provide vitamins and nutrients necessary during pregnancy. Choosing a diet is very important for the growth and development of the fetus. Increasing the intake of vitamins and minerals, in addition to supporting the development of the fetus, can help pregnant women to keep their bodies in the best possible condition. Consuming plenty of fresh fruit during pregnancy can guarantee the health of the mother and fetus. Fresh fruit is rich in vitamins and nutrients and is also a good source of fiber.

Consumption of Kurma Rabbi is recommended to pregnant women because of the nutritious compounds in it. This food is rich in iron, folate, vitamin K, magnesium and fiber and helps prevent and treat anemia, treat constipation, better fetal growth and supply The energy needed by the body helps.

Benefits of fruit in pregnancy


The best fruits you can eat during pregnancy

Eating fruit as a breakfast or snack for pregnant women is a good way to increase vitamin intake and curb sugar cravings. A list of the best fruits that should be included in the diet during pregnancy is:



Apricot is useful for the growth and development of the child by having the following ingredients.


Vitamins A, C and E

Calcium (strengthener of bones and teeth, necessary for blood coagulation, contraction and proper functioning of muscles, hormonal secretion, etc.)

Iron (preventing anemia, building essential proteins for the body, etc.)

Potassium (a component that balances the body’s PH, controls blood pressure, reduces the risk of stroke, etc.)

beta-carotene (it is a precursor of vitamin A and is one of the strong antioxidants)

Phosphorus (formation of bones and teeth, creation of protein for growth, maintenance and repair of cells and tissues, proper functioning of kidneys, normal heartbeat, etc.)

Silica (protecting collagen, strengthening bones and treating osteoarthritis, improving the digestive system and increasing the body’s immune system, etc.)


Oranges help keep the body hydrated and healthy and are an excellent source of:


Vitamin C (prevents cell damage and helps absorb iron)


Folate (one of the necessary vitamins for the formation of red and white blood cells in the bone marrow, converting carbohydrates into energy and preventing neural tube defects, etc.)

Neural tube defects may lead to abnormalities such as spina bifida (spinal cord disease in which the spine does not develop properly) and anencephaly (children with this disorder are missing a large part of the brain and skull).


Mangoes are rich in vitamins A and C. By consuming one cup of chopped mango, you can provide 100% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C and more than 30% of the vitamin A you need. If your baby is deficient in vitamin A at birth, his immunity will be lower and the possibility of complications after birth, such as respiratory infections, will increase. Do not forget that high consumption of vitamin A during pregnancy is associated with risks, which are fully explained in this article.



Nutrients in pears include:


Fiber (a high-fiber diet is helpful in reducing and treating constipation during pregnancy)

Potassium (useful for the heart health of mother and child, stimulating cell repair)



By eating pomegranates during pregnancy, pregnant women can provide a lot of the nutrients their body needs, including:


Vitamin K (necessary for maintaining healthy bones)

Vitamin C (increases iron absorption)

Group B vitamins (pomegranate has anti-nausea properties due to the presence of these vitamins, and eating it on an empty stomach can solve the problem of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy)



Iron (Iron in pomegranate prevents anemia.)


Fiber and…

Pomegranate, which is rich in other nutrients (such as thiamin, niacin, phosphorus, zinc, etc.), is considered a good source of energy and can provide the calories needed by a pregnant woman. According to research, drinking pomegranate juice during pregnancy can protect the placenta.

Dried Fruit

All the nutrients found in fresh fruit are also present in dried fruit; Therefore, by consuming pieces of dried fruit daily during pregnancy, you can get the vitamins and minerals you need. However, you should note that dried fruit is likely to have more sugar and lack the high volume of water found in fresh fruit, meaning it does not aid in the digestive process. Pregnant women should avoid consuming a lot of dried fruit and fruit juice. It is better to consume dried fruit next to fresh fruit and dry fruit should not be substituted for fresh fruit. Dried fruit contains the following energy and nutrients: